Screaming, blaming the God (Part II)


Assalamualaikum wbt.


Izz minta maaf sebab delay untuk post kali ini, sebab laptop Izz problem sangat-sangat. Izz tak boleh nak on more than 15 minutes, nanti laptop terus shutdown. Really sorry.๐Ÿ˜ฐ

As for today, Izz akan bagitahu you all how Izz manage to get out of my darkest moment. Izz balik Kelantan, Izz beli cleanser, makeup remover and some other stuff. And ambil supplement dengan kawan Izz ( dia tolong ambilkan dekat Kampus, sebab Izz tertinggal dekat bilik). So, I'm ready to heal and get my skin back!! 

All start dengan makanan I guess? Izz pantang makanan manis, minum air manis. Just untuk normalize balik my sugar level (?) Izz banyakkan minum air masak, tak banyak pun, 500ml-800ml sehari sahaja. Itu pun seksa sangat nak habiskan hahaha. Tapi lama-lama okay saja sebab dah biasa kan. Izz kena minum air yang banyak sebab Izz ambil supplement untuk sekatakan my skin tone.

Boleh bayang tak perasaan Izz yang setia menanti hari-hari tengok cermin, just untuk tengok my skin condition. ๐Ÿ˜ข Izz block influencers yang cantik-cantik and flawless, sebab insecure dengan myself. To be honest, Izz tak pernah rasa insecure, but since muka Izz breakout in 2019, I learnt so many things; insecure, depressed, and many more.

So, these are some pictures of my healing skin

Comparison of my makeup, 2019 and 2020. Alhamdulillah I'm grateful untuk this new skin. Allah uji sebab Dia sayang. Izz kuat untuk hadap semua ini, Sakit, pedih, kecewa, stress, just name it. My darkest moment. give me lesson of life, not to be too confident with everything I have.๐Ÿ’–

Alright, now Izz akan share apa yang Izz guna. First of all, Izz dah guna some of these products dah lama. Maybe breakout sebab Izz ada try some new products, konon nak add on, tapi gone wrong. Also, sebab Izz tak consistent jaga muka. TAKE NOTE ! ❗

Untuk supplement, Izz memang makan Shalicious punya supplement. Before Izz jadi one of their dropship lagi, ๐Ÿ˜Start from 2017 lagi, untuk sekatakan my skin tone yang burn, dry and dehydrated. Apa Izz perasan, skin Izz jadi hydrated, moist and bright. Memang after a year consume, Izz stop sekejap sebab takut jadi cerah sangat pula. After that, Izz consume balik. Just untuk jaga skin Izz dari dalaman.

Moving on to my skincare! 
Izz dah guna Aiken lama dah. Awal-awal guna memang rasa macam tak sesuai dengan kulit, maybe sebab tak adapt lagi. Dalam 2019 Izz ada tukar ke Hadalabo, mengada betul after that muka breakout. Izz ada mix dengan this one brightening sakura serum, Izz beli mahal sangat but muka jadi makin teruk; maybe sebab Izz mix dengan products Aiken. ๐Ÿ˜ก

For your information, Izz guna product Aiken the whole set. Yang for oily skin, that one yang in green color. Yes, Izz used that one for many years.  But some of the products not suit my skin. Like its toner and acne cream. But overal cleanser, oil, and moisterizer best! The best one is their moisturizer! ๐Ÿ˜˜

Until Aiken keluarkan that new one set for hydrating function. The blue one! Izz dah guna that one and it really suits my skin very well. 

                                                    credit goes to :@twitter//ImanAbdulRahim

Also, ada juga a few products yang Izz guna and works on my skin. Tapi Izz tak consistent sebab more like payah nak beli through online since Izz berpindah randah dari Dengkil ke Bangi ke Kelantan. So Izz tak sure nak suruh seller post dekat address mana. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Here some products yang bagus:
1) Hyalu Skin Repairing Serum from @bkdotmy (Izz guna both for acne and scars)
2) AINAA Serum by @ainaabeautyofficial
3) NAH Melor Serum by

From pil cleanser, gel cleanser (so that double cleanse) , the toner if needed, serum, moisturizer, and paling penting SUNSCREEN ! At least Spf30 okay? If I had something to say to 15 year old me, I will surely warn her to wear sunscreen! ๐Ÿ˜ Izz guna WardahBeauty punya sunscreen. Dah almost 2 years, 2019-2021. 

So Izz decide to stay dengan Shalicious Mixberry Powder & Aiken Products only.
The result? Here!

As for now, no more blaming the God. All praises I give to Allah for helping me get out from my darkest moments. Bila skin dah heal, baru cantik untuk put on any makeup! ๐Ÿ‘„Alright. That is all for part two. Thankyou so much those yang dah view, read and comment. Love you my Angelys.๐Ÿ’“ Remember, the best type of beauty is your own confidence! 



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